We are a Group Company, Ningbo Bag Making Co., Ltd is a factory to produce ECO bags, mainly producing various Non-Woven PP bags, Non-woven PP lamination bags, PP Woven Bags and some natural bamboo fiber bags etc. With many years of experience in bag making industry, we have become one of the biggest producer in eco-friendly bags. Since then, we established Ningbo Yinzhou Brilliant Import & Export Co., Ltd. in 2005 to develop our international business that includes Chemical products special one cationic reagent for modify native starch to cationic starch and some Plastic products. The company is located in the Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province China. We have around 100 sewing workers and factory monthly capacity is 1 million bags. The products we supplied meet all applicable safety regulations for sale in Europe, Canada and the USA in full. Which let us receive a good market in North and South American and Europen countries...>>More